A comprehensive view package for Echo.

Echo ViewKit provides a comprehensive server side template rendering for Echo.

Server side rendering

Templating engine.

Echo ViewKit has a built-in templating engine that is forked from Pongo2. It provides a Django-like syntax. It is easy to use in your Echo application.

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{# if statement #}
{% if errorMessage %}
  <div>{{ errorMessage }}</div>
{% endif %}

{# for loop #}
{% for user in users %}
  <div>{{ user.Name }}</div>
{% endfor %}
// Go code that calls the above template.

type IndexProps struct {
	ErrorMessage string  `pongo2:"errorMessage"`
	Users        []*User `pongo2:"users"`
	// ...

func IndexHandler(c echo.Context) error {
	users := ...
	return c.Render(http.StatusOK, "index", &IndexProps{
		ErrorMessage: "Something went wrong.",
		Users users,

Encapsulate and reuse parts of your views


You can use component-based architecture like Laravel Blade. It enhances code organization and maintainability. You can implement your components with Go code and Pongo2 templates.

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{# render an alert message... #}
<x-alert type="success" :message="message"/>

{# slots are supported... #}
  <x-slot name="title">Custom title</x-slot>
  <x-slot name="message">This is a success message.</x-slot>

{# scoped slots are also supported... #}
<x-counter slot-data="{count}" >
  <div>{{ count }}</div>

Integrated with front-end tools

Vite integration.

You can use Vite to build your front-end assets and integrate them with Echo ViewKit.

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Are you looking for real code examples?

Absolutely! This website is built with Echo ViewKit. You can see the entire source code.

View the source code